Watching the Leaves Change
The beginning of September marks a period of transition and change for many of us. This time of year, more than any other seems to be the time when the silent and subtle changes feel heavily influential. The slightest cool in the pre dawn air, the early onset of twilight or the slightly discoloured leaves cause us to lament over what are sure to be the final beach days or memories of sun-drenched backyard barbeques. Those of us who prefer sweaters to bikinis on the other hand may revel in the sudden appropriateness of our cozy fleece blankets, pumpkin decorations and spiced apple candles.
I happen to be experiencing my own transition as well as summer ends and fall approaches. With my degree in social work attained, this year will be the first time in many years that I will not be filling my back pack with notebooks, grabbing a peppermint tea and heading to class. Accomplishing one of my life long dreams of achieving a university degree was one of the most difficult things I have ever done and yet, when I look back, I am sad that it is over. I will miss the quiet chatter in the lecture hall. I will miss and always long to look upon an atrium of bright eager faces and purple spirit wear. Nothing good lasts for ever and how true that statement is when I look back upon my years as a student. As my time with the University ends I find myself heading into an uncertain future with a lot of hope. As I move from my role as placement student to my new role as volunteer co-ordinator at SKIP, I marvel at the changes taking place within and feel a deep sense of purpose as we head in new directions.
The loss of the primary programming at SKIP has lead to many changes over the past few months. As visits between students and seniors could no longer be co-ordinated, the creation of Buzz Me as a response to the global pandemic proved to be an innovative solution to addressing the problem of social isolation amongst seniors. This program is expanding in exciting ways. In addition to the program being accessible through dialling the Canada wide network of "211" seniors can now book appointments trough the calendar application on SKIP's website. The ability to book calls through the website is unique to our program and allows seniors who are socially isolated to schedule a wellness call easily and at a time that is convenient for them. In addition to finding a friendly voice to talk to, seniors can continue to access information about community resources through this service. In addition to these changes, SKIP has been working toward obtaining further funding through provincial and federal grants that would allow for the continuation and expansion of Buzz Me and many other programs. Working in partnership with Laurier University, SKIP is paving the path for students to come on board and help grow the organization in new and exciting ways. Psychology students hope to engage with seniors directly through Buzz Me, offering relationship building and mentorship opportunities. Health Science students hope to gain valuable community experience as they help us lay the ground work for future research opportunities. Digital Media students will provide insight into the technological side of SKIP and will support new programming opportunities through various forms of media.
These changes have been the focus as SKIP continues to transition through unprecedented times. As partnerships develop and new partnerships are gained, rest assured that though times may have certainly changed, the focus on providing hope and wellness to seniors in our community has not. We look forward to sharing many more success stories with you in the future as the work continues.
Sincerely, Tina.
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”