Supporting a multi-generational community.
SKIP’s mission is to connect generations by providing support through outreach programs, sharing resources, and community partnerships.
Together, we aim to redefine what a healthy, multigenerational society should look like.
Buzz Me
Buzz Me is a senior call service operating Monday through Friday from 8am-8pm and is operated by local University students as well as other community volunteers. Seniors can book a time to connect with a volunteer to gain helpful resource information in the community, or to simply engage in warm and friendly conversation. Learn more
SKIP Streams
SKIP Streams is a program we developed back in 2014 after noticing the Visitation program suffering greatly during the winter months due to facility lock down because of outbreaks, and seniors who could not physically visit with students were longing for connection. Learn more
SKIP in a Box (coming soon)
By bringing the knowledge and experience that SKIP has gleaned over the past 15 years of serving seniors into a logical and manageable framework for other organizations, SKIP in a Box is a resource to easily incorporate the programs and initiatives necessary to support seniors in other cities throughout Canada and beyond.

“Our past success with this organization has enabled our residents to enjoy social interaction with students and to form connections in our community.”